A Misty Moisty Christmas


Glenn and I flew back to the US for Christmas and spent the week with the girls and my sister's family in New Hampshire.  Unlike previous New Hampshire Christmases, there was no snow, no frozen lake, no spectacular winter sunsets.  No cross-country skiing or hockey games.  The mist and fog of the first few days gave way to rain for the last few.  (Credit for the top photo to Kate, who thought it was creepy.  I thought it was beautiful.  And creepy.)  

The weather in the early part of the week allowed for some lovely hikes in the nearby Belknap Range.

And a filtered sun even peeked through the trees from time to time.

Rain kept us in for the past couple of days.

The raw, wet cold outdoors made our time inside even sweeter and warmer.  We were well-stocked with board games, puzzles, books, tea, and Christmas cookies.  We had Christmas songs on the turntable, delicious meals, friends stopping by, and lots of fond recollections and good laughs with family.  We'll head back to Paris soon, but with a warm feeling that will last us a while.  


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