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One Last Weekend

The last two weeks have been a wild ride, to say the least.  I am back in the US, spending Labor Day weekend with my family and preparing for the imminent start of the semester.  I wish I could say that I am rested and relaxed and ready to go, but that would be stretch.   I still have two or three other blog posts that I have been working on and would like to include here before I sign off---I will try to get those done in the next week or two---but today I just wanted to reflect on my last few (unplanned) day in Paris. As I mentioned in the previous post, there was a hitch to our move back.  My passport went missing on the morning we were to fly home.  This was a Friday, and my appointment for an emergency passport at the American Embassy in Paris was not until Monday morning.  Glenn flew home on Friday as planned, so Sandy and I had one last, bonus, weekend in Paris.  And I was determined to tick a few things off of my Paris bucket list.   The main activity for Saturday was a visit t

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